This was a mess my first build got corrupted, and then I couldn't fix it. Secondly, I could never figure out how to spawn the 3D prefabs on my game boards correctly. They would spawn when I clicked but never in the position I wanted them to be. I am already so late on the submission so I took the easy way out. In the end, I decided to use buttons to generate X and Os as text. The buttons are transparent when you click on the board it looks like the prefabs generated on the 3d plane. Maybe, kind of, not really. I tried my best.

Ps. When you play it will enter you in full screen mode, but click the expand to full screen button at the bottom to view the full game

Displays mouse's location

Menu Screen

Output Scores of the player

Allows users to reset the board

Allows users to start a new game

Allows users to quit the game

Made withUnity

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